
Absence or Tardy Notification

  • If your child will be absent from or late to school, please report it in ParentVUE, email us at [email protected], or call the attendance line at 703-322-8585. Be sure to copy your child's teacher on your email so that both the office and teacher are aware.
  • We will communicate quickly with parents or guardians when a student does not come to school as expected. 

Virginia State Law

  • Virginia State law requires that each student who is absent from school must be reported each time by a responsible person. An excused absence is one for which parents/guardians have prior knowledge, consent, and a legitimate reason. Legitimate reasons include illness of the student, death in the family, and observance of a religious holiday. Absences for family and student vacations are unexcused. According to School Board Regulation 2234, after the fifth unexcused absence, the school is to refer the student to the attendance officer.

Dental and Medical

  • Dental and medical appointments are excused; however, we ask that such appointments be kept to a minimum during the instructional day. If a child must leave early for a medical or dental appointment, parents are requested to send a note in advance and must sign the child out in the office at the appropriate time. To protect instructional time, students will not be called to the office until a parent arrives at school to pick them up. Please allow sufficient time for your child to get to the office in order for you to arrive on time to your scheduled appointment.

Unexcused Absence

  • Absences for family and student vacations are unexcused. Students are responsible for completing any missed assignments. Teachers will provide the student and parent or guardian with missed work, but are not obligated to provide assignments prior to family or student vacations.

Tardy Student Arrival

  • Tardy students arriving at school late must first report to the office for a tardy slip. The bell rings at 8:45 a.m. Students who arrive in their classroom after 8:45 a.m. will be marked tardy. 

Release of Student

  • If a child must leave early, parents are requested to send a note in advance and must sign the child out in the office at the appropriate time. The note should specify the name of the adult picking up the child if it is not the parent. To protect instructional time, students will not be called to the office until a parent arrives at school to pick them up. Please allow sufficient time for your child to get to the office and for you to arrive on time for your scheduled appointment.
  • We will not release any child to an adult other than the parent/guardian or persons listed on the emergency care form. 
  • Students will not be released from class between 3:00-3:30.