Ms. Moore Recognized as FCPS CARES of the Month Recipient!

December 2024 / January 2025 FCPS Region 4 Recipient

By FCPS Department of Human Resources
February 28, 2025

Congratulations to Ms. Erica Moore on her recognition as the December 2024 / January 2025 FCPS CARES Region 4 Recipient of the Month, presented by the FCPS Department of Human Resources.

The FCPS CARES Program is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story below, so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees.

Below is the write-up submitted by Ms. Marcy Fisher, a colleague at the school.

Resilient. Dedicated. Talented. Connected. Glimmer-Giver! Those are just a handful of words to describe our local superhero, Erica Moore. Erica Moore, our K/1st grade Multiple Disabilities teacher, is someone who comes to school every day with the mindset that every child she works with will have a brighter day. Because of her, many students who struggle find those glimmers in their day. Glimmers of hope. Glimmers of "Yes, I can!" Glimmers of confidence. She constantly goes above and beyond for her students and fellow teachers. This is most evident in how she manages data collection, co-plans with her general education teachers, shows up like Wonder Woman at the drop of a hat, meets every student's IEP goal, and services over 11 students with specific learning needs. And get this, all with a smile on her face. I don't know how she does it, but I am positive she is wearing some type of invisible cape. Or perhaps she is just THAT inspiring and amazing. Union Mill Elementary is fortunate to have such a dedicated, collaborative, and kind human on our staff. Thank you, Mrs. Moore!